Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunrise at Youlgreave

Oh what a beautiful Morning. Oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, everythings going my way.

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Sunrise at Peak National Park

When they say the early bird gets the worm, it is true. This was so AMAZING!!!! It was one of those moments you wish everyone could see.

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Morning Walk at Youlgreave

Amazing Footpaths near our hostel. The sights, sounds and smells of the farms and countryside were amazing. We walked from 5:45 to 7:15. WOW

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A Weekend In The Country

We rented a car at Heathrow and headed into heavy trafic. We left at 2:00 and arrived at our hostel at 9:00. The problem was that in the villiage of Youlgreave, they stop serving dinner at 8:00. We were starving, and started on the road and went from pub to pub, and finally were referred to an Indian resturaunt where there was room at the inn. We told the waiter to just bring us what they thought was best. It turned out to be an amazing experience. Food at last and it was great fun.

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Details of Syon House Gardens

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The Conservatory at Syon House

What can I say, a conservatory, lavender and fish. Sigh......

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Syon House

Considered Robert Adam's finest work. This house was the location for many movies including Gosford Park, and the Madness of King George.

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Trafalga Square at Dusk

We lucked out. When we arrived, Lord Nelson atop the corinthian column was covered in scaffolding, now look at him after his bath. The Church, St Martin's in the Field and the National Gallery.

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The long, veery very long, journey to and fro the Red House

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Red House

Amazingly we found it, it took us several miles of walking to discovedr the sign we had been searching for had been stolen by vandals. Not a sould knew where this house was located. Marty had the brilliant idea to inquire at the Real Estate office in the center of town. The agent was asleep on her desk, and had not a clue. I tried the flower shop. Come to find out we had passed it a long while ago and eventually we found this treasure. William Morris is the father of the Arts and Crafts Movement.

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